Esketamine Nasal Spray

What is Esketamine Nasal Spray

As a part of our persistent, relentless approach to help our patients suffering from treatment resistant depression (TRD), alongside providing rTMS we are proud to announce we are the first private Esketamine clinic in the North West of the UK.

Esketamine nasal spray has recently been licensed by the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) in the UK as a treatment for moderate to severe treatment resistant depression that is also referred to as “difficult to treat depression”.

How does Esketamine Nasal Spray work?

Specialist assessments we can offer include;

Esketamine nasal spray is the first licensed antidepressant in 30 years with a different mechanism of action from other available antidepressants as it works on the glutamate system of the brain. What is also remarkable is the fact that some patients start feeling an improvement of their depressive symptoms as early as 24 hours from the first dose.

What does the treatment involve?

Patients will go through a detailed assessment with a Consultant Psychiatrist to assess suitability for Esketamine. Following this, they will need to come to clinic twice a week for the first 4 weeks, followed by once a week for the following 4 weeks. After this, the treatment options would be discussed with the Consultant Psychiatrist as per client’s preference and needs. All treatments are supervised by our healthcare professionals and patients could leave in approximately 2 hours post treatment once the readiness to leave checklist is completed and your health care professional is satisfied.

Who can have Esketamine Nasal Spray

Esketamine is indicated for adults with treatment-resistant Major Depressive Disorder who have not responded to at least two different treatments with antidepressants in the current moderate-to-severe depressive episode.

Conditions we can treat with Esketamine Nasal Spray

Research Evidence

  • It leads to superior reduction in symptoms of depression by day 28
  • Response rates at 24 hours (up to 76 %) and maintaining clinical response at day 28
  • 51% reduction of risk of relapse in stable remitters

Possible Side Effects

  • Dissocation
  • Nausea
  • Dry Mouth
  • Dizziness
  • Metallic Taste

FAQs - Esketamine Nasal Spray

How much does Esketamine cost?

Esketamine cost varies depending on the dose prescribed. Please contact our team for further information.

Can I have TMS and Esketamine Treatment at the same time?

Yes. We have several patients who utilise all of our treatment services to optimise their recovery. We usually run Esketamine and TMS combined treatments for patients suffering from treat resistant depression and have had some fantastic recovery results using this method.

When will I start to notice improvement from having Esketamine?

Esketamine has shown to eliminate suicidality within 24 hours in some cases. Here in clinic, we have seen some rapid improvements to patient’s symptoms. In some cases, it can take a little longer for patients to respond. This can depend on multiple factors. All patients are reviewed weekly by the consultant psychiatrist in the initial stage of treatment to ensure dose and optimisation of treatment effects.

Can I take the medication at home instead of in clinic?

No. As Esketamine is a controlled 2 medication, it is self-administered and supervised by a qualified professional.

How long is each session?

The patient is required to stay in clinic for at least 90 minutes post administration. This is to allow time for the side effects to have worn off prior to discharge.

Is there a recovery period after taking Esketamine?

Yes. The side effects of Esketamine peak at roughly 45 minutes post administration but are generally much less after 90 minutes. There is a requirement that patients do not drive post treatment or operate any machinery until the following day.

Do I have to do anything to prepare for treatment?

On the day of treatment, it is a requirement for patients NOT to eat 2 hours prior to their appointment and NOT to have any fluids 30 minutes prior to treatment. Patients can take their usual medications if more than 2 hours prior to treatment and if those medications are not sedative.

How many treatments will I need?

Esketamine is broken down into three stages;

  • Stage one requires the patient to attend for two treatments per week with at least one day in between treatments for four weeks.
  • Stage two is one treatment per week for four weeks.
  • Stage three is decided with your consultant at review whether to continue with one treatment per week OR one treatment every two weeks.

Research Evidence of Esketamine Nasal Spray

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