TMS for Migraine

What is TMS for Migraine

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) is a safe, effective and non-invasive treatment for migraines which requires no sedation or recovery period. Considered a mild and gentle treatment, TMS is used for patients who have failed to respond to pharmaceutical treatments and can often be used as a supplement to other therapies. 

Clinical applications of TMS have shown promising results in the treatment of a vast number of psychiatric and neurological conditions, as well as proving to be effective as a migraine treatment.

Evidence from clinical trials has shown that TMS can reduce the severity and the overall number of migraine attacks, therefore acting as a successful migraine treatment that reduces the pain and discomfort a migraine causes.

TMS is CE-marked approved, demonstrating that this treatment meets the European health, safety and environmental protection requirements.

Using a handheld device that delivers a predetermined level of painless magnetic pulses on the scalp, TMS uses electromagnetic waves to stimulate the brain’s nerve cells, changing the brain activity that is linked to the cause of migraine symptoms. The intensity, duration and frequency of the pluses will be varied depending on the patient’s individual needs.

TMS treatment is painless and will cause no serious side effects.

Price: £999 for 10 sessions

How does TMS for Migraine work?

Specialist assessments we can offer include;

Who can have TMS for Migraine

Conditions we can treat with TMS for Migraine

Research Evidence

Possible Side Effects

FAQs - TMS for Migraine

Can I have Migraine treatment if I’m taking medications?

Yes. There is no contraindication between TMS for Migraine and any medications. It is always best to speak to your doctor before undertaking any treatment.

Will I be able to drive after treatment?

Yes. There are no side effects that will prevent you returning to your usual daily activities following treatment.

How many times will I need to come for treatment?

Treatment is given as a course of 10 sessions across a 3-5 week period. Patients can decide if they want to do 2 sessions or 3 sessions per week until they reach their 10 sessions.

How much does treatment cost?

Migraine treatment is given as a course of 10 sessions for a cost of £999.

Can I pay for sessions individually?

We do not offer individual migraine treatment sessions. The treatment is booked as a course of 10 sessions to be paid prior to treatment commencing.

How do I know if I am suitable for treatment?

Every patient will be screened for treatment by a qualified nurse. The nurse will be able to tell you if you may benefit from TMS for Migraine and will be able to provide you with further information and complete a consent form with you prior to treatment.

How long does each session last?

Each sessions lasts approximately 10-15 minutes.

When can I start treatment?

Please contact our team on or complete the contact form on the website. You can also book in with our team on 08008445257

Research Evidence of TMS for Migraine

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