Maintenance Treatment

What is Maintenance Treatment


It has been shown by researchers that after a remission following a full course of TMS, relapse may still occur. To maintain this remission, we recommend “maintenance” treatment in an attempt to avoid relapse. In general, a maintenance plan includes two TMS sessions every three weeks for just over 6 months. This plan can be tailored by one of our consultants based on your needs.


After completing 3 months of Esketamine treatment, your consultant will evaluate the therapeutic benefit obtained and determine the need for continued treatment with a phase
called the “maintenance phase”. The maintenance phase can be continued for as long as it is deemed appropriate and therapeutic although research suggests up to 6 months of Esketamine treatment is
recommended at a minimum. The frequency of treatment will be discussed with your consultant.


After completing your psychology course, you with your therapist can evaluate the potential requirement for follow ups. The frequency and modality will be discussed and arranged according to your needs and is to ensure the knowledge and skills acquired during your initial course of therapy is maintained long term.

How does Maintenance Treatment work?

Specialist assessments we can offer include;

Who can have Maintenance Treatment

Conditions we can treat with Maintenance Treatment

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Research Evidence

Possible Side Effects

FAQs - Maintenance Treatment

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Research Evidence of Maintenance Treatment

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